NEW Music Video Launch: “Toxicidad” by The FO’s

I'm incredibly excited to share the launch of the newest music video by The FO’s! There is no better way to start the new year than with a busy couple of weeks and the launch of a new music video: "Toxicidad." This was a dream assignment -- They basically gave me the keys to the studio and let us play with lights!

Funny Aside

It’s funny though, because a lot of the ideas from this shoot came from a random day in the studio where I was playing with some lights and a giant roll mylar I impulse-bought a few weeks before. I was playing around and I sent some of the videos and photos to Fernando from The FO’s and I was like, “Check this out! We should do something like this for our next video!” and he loved it. Here’s the funny video and some silliness that gave me the seed of the idea:

Back to the video…

The best challenge was the harsh reality of the lyrics with an impossibly catchy song that perfectly captures the merry-go-round of toxic relationships and cycles of abuse while trying to find your own voice.

The team on this made all of the difference and I'm really proud of the work that we was a long couple of days of production. You can find all their info in the video description!

I'd love for you to give it a like and comment on YouTube to support the team's work!!

Lot's more coming in the next couple of months!

Stills & Photos

Behind The Scenes

The Team!

Thanks to the amazing team for the hard work and creativity to make this music video a reality!

The FO’s @thefosband / featuring: @kum.dd

Musical Production: George Five @iamgeorgefive

Director / DOP: Aaron Jean @aaronjeanstudio

Cinematographer: Pablo Terzagui @pablocreates

Actors: @doblea.maqui / @kum.dd

Stylist: Rubén Cortés @ruwithoutpaul

Clothing: mfpen @mfpen_

Digital Artist: @joanagroba

Title Design: Eiléen QR @qreileen

Hair and Makeup: Alejandra Acosta @doblea.maqui

BTS: Javier de Rojas @d3rojas

Production: Nazaret Serrano @nazserran0

Studio: Dra. House @drahousestudios


Madrid Nights Editorial - Motion and Stills


Portrait Experiments In Silhouette